Completing the LA Marathon.

Running the LA Marathon was something I never thought I would complete. I ran the LA Marathon in the year 2016 and started to to train for it eight months prier to the marathon. It was an experience of a lifetime. Something that I never thought I would have done but am very proud that I did.


My LA Marathon Metal



After Marathon picture with friends



Crossing the finish line brought so many tear, because it was something I accomplished without giving up. I trained for eight straight month and was so dedicated to finishing 26.2 miles.  I would wake up every morning to run eight to ten miles at my local park every weekend to get my body prepared. Along with training on my own I also trained with my SRLA team. When we trained we would run at the river bed located next to the 710 every day after school and sometime on the weekend. We would run at least eight miles or more and then would run back to our school do to some indoor cardio. Training with a group of people really encouraged me to run the Marathon because we would encourage ourselves to do better and  I believe that if I did not have that support system I would have not had enough motivation to go through that. With the help of my teachers and teammates, I had the daily reminder that I could finish and get myself to do the marathon.


With my team mates we would run other little marathons to get use to running a certain amount of miles with a lot of people and also with running up hills. We ran five marathons before running the 26.2 marathon. The first little marathon was a 5k and then we started to increase our miles and would sign up for other little marathons. It was something very fun and it gave me something to look forward to because each marathon would reward us with little metals.


My SRLA team



At La Marathon Expo with close teammates


Some people thought I was crazy to put myself through something like this, but I would be lying if I said I would never do it again because I am planning to run the 2019 marathon with a group of friends. It is something that i hope to continue to do because the feeling of finishing a   marathon is so amazing because finishing it is only up to you and no one else. It is something you have to train not only physically but mentally because there was times where I wanted to give up, but you just had to have the will power to push yourself because I was only doing this for myself and no one else.



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